Tag Archives: Praise


You Cannot Do a Kindess Too Soon ….

You Cannot Do a Kindness Too Soon

A kind word can really change the direction someone is heading. With all the craziness happening in the world now, remember to be kind.

8 Things to Consider When Creating Rules for Your Teen

“It’s not fair!” I’m sure you’ve heard that before.

8 Things to Consider When Creating Rules for Your Teen

Your teen wants more independence, you want them to be healthy and safe. Setting and enforcing limits with teens is a daunting and frustrating task. Teens are constantly pushing the limits and want to be treated like adults.

In my counseling practice I often hear complaints from teens about the rules …

“My parents treat me like I’m 5 years old!”
“My punishment makes no sense.”
“They won’t listen to my side of the story.”
“The rules just depend on how my parents are feeling that day.” Continue reading