Tag Archives: Self Care

Practicing Gratitude … Why & How

Practice Gratitude

This year has been incredibly challenging for me … and it’s not even over yet! I could give you a laundry list of what’s happening in my life, but that’s not really the point, we all go through tough times. The point is, that as I reflect back on the year I realize that I still have so many things in my life to be grateful for. The real point is … practicing gratitude.

For starters, what is gratitude? Continue reading


Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly

Smile, breathe and go slowly

We each have 1440 minutes in a day … using a couple of those to slow down and breath (and smile!) isn’t going to keep you from anything earth shattering and it might just help!

Breathing on Purpose

Breathe on Purpose

We take about 22,000 breaths each day. What would happen if we took a few of those breaths on purpose?

As we move into late fall and have the holidays looming in front of us, it’s easy to get stressed out. Young people are also facing stressful situations this time of year. Most teens are looking at the end of 1st semester around Christmas time which means final exams and large projects. Continue reading


Make The Time

Always Make Time For the Things That Make You Happy to be Alive

I took this picture last week at the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic. It was beautiful and calming to watch the balloons inflate and rise just as the sun was peeking over the treeline.

It made me think about how important it is to carve out (even a little) time to do something to recharge yourself and to really be present in the moment.

How do you make time for yourself?